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苹果:禁止刷评价 开发者勿以身试法

2012-02-07 11:44 来源:TNW

  在360被下架一事沸沸扬扬之时,苹果因为另一个国外论坛的刷评价帖子发布了最新的开发者规范,表示应用开发者不得操纵App Store排名。

  Adhering to Guidelines on Third-Party Marketing Services
Once you build a great app, you want everyone to know about it. However, when you promote your app, you should avoid using services that advertise or guarantee top placement in App Store charts. Even if you are not personally engaged in manipulating App Store chart rankings or user reviews, employing services that do so on your behalf may result in the loss of your Apple Developer Program membership.

关键字: 苹果开发者平台
