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提醒美方小心闪了腰 美方连续击落不明飞行物中国回应

2023-02-15 15:12 来源:网络







  We have said time and again that the US clearly overreacted by using force on an unmanned Chinese civilian airship.


  Quite a few media outlets have compared the US's downing of the flying objects to shooting mosquitoes with flak guns and called it "odd and costly political behavior art".


  The US needs to be careful not to pull its muscle while flexing it so hard.


  be careful not to pull its muscle while flexing it so hard


  He stood on the side of the pool flexing his muscles. 他站在游泳池旁活动肌肉。

  Flex one's muscles同时也是一个习语,指展示实力、炫耀力量,有时会翻成“秀肌肉”。例如:

  He's flexing his muscles, waiting for the day he becomes president. 他在大展拳脚,等着有一天能当上总统。

  而pull one's muscle则指拉伤肌肉。类似的说法还有tear/strain one's muscle,撕裂、扭伤肌肉。

  “be careful not to pull its muscle while flexing it so hard”直接理解就是小心在耀武扬威、大秀肌肉的时候,把肌肉拉伤了。








  We have made it clear time and again that the entry of the Chinese civilian unmanned airship into US airspace was a purely unintended, unexpected and isolated event caused by force majeure . majeure /mæˈʒɜː(r)/ 无可抗拒的力量


  As to the “unidentified objects” you asked about, I do not have anything on that. We do need to point out, however, that the US’s downing of the unmanned airship with advanced missiles is a trigger-happy overreaction. Many in the US have been asking: what good can such costly action possibly bring to the US and its taxpayers?  trigger-happy:好战的,乱开枪的


  As a matter of fact, it is the US who is the No.1 surveillance country and has the largest spy network in the world.


  The US National Security Agency spied on calls and chat messages to and from the phones of leaders of Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and other European countries. The US has been operating a highly secretive signals intelligence collection program through almost a hundred US embassies and consulates worldwide. Anzer, a cybersecurity information platform, revealed last year that the NSA stole more than 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion phone records in 30 days, compromising the privacy of citizens across the world.


  Namibia recently found in its waters a US saildrone used to gather data underwater, and local media generally believe it to be an American spy drone. The US knows how many surveillance balloons it has sent into the skies in the world. It’s quite clear to the global community which country is the No.1 spy empire in the world.
