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2023-12-14 19:52 来源:网络



“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” With the ringing of the New Year's bell, our 2022 came to an end and became a permanent memory. Below are carefully selected essays for the excellent 2023, for your reference and enjoyment!

Essay 1: Hello 2023

Like a nightingale singing in the woods, like moonlight gently dancing on fingertips. The poetry of time is like a melodious song, echoing in the ears, like a graceful dancing girl, or a shy smile.

It is the end of the year, and also the beginning of a new year.

Waving goodbye to 2022, with this wave, another year begins. There is hesitation, there is reluctance, knowing that this parting becomes the past, striving to be ourselves, turning around with tears in our eyes, with anticipation and yearning.

Time flies like an arrow, while the years pass like flowing water. The footprints on the beach have been washed away by the wind and sand. Time is always so merciless, leaving behind only twinkling memories. The road ahead is so uncertain, stretching endlessly. In 2022, I remember playing under the tree, sweating on the basketball court, letting tears soar freely with the wind, carrying a little bit of freedom... Countless memories, sweet and sour, hidden in a young heart. We are going to graduate in another year, with salty tears supporting a strong soul, carrying beautiful dreams. In a blink of an eye, winter has imprisoned everything, but it can't imprison the burning, unyielding, and vibrant hearts in us! Goodbye, 2022!

Hello, 2023. I used to think you were far, far away, as distant as the stars in the sky, just for looking at, but not reaching. In fact, you are very close, with your presence everywhere. Meeting you, my heart beats with excitement. I am afraid that I can't keep up with you, afraid that I am not good enough for you, that I can't give you an explanation, afraid that I don't have the ability to embrace you, I just want to silently, quietly walk into you.

In the past year, I have worked hard, struggled, lost, and gained. I have given up. I have grown up. No one can predict what will happen in the future, there are still many things waiting for me to figure out.

In 2023, I will move forward to meet a better version of myself. I am who I am, bringing a paintbrush, composing the symphony of life, drawing a beautiful rainbow on the horizon. Wipe your eyes, bid farewell to the past years, bury the departed souls, light up the dawn of hope, and let new ideals take flight.

Time is like a flat boat, setting sail, breaking through the waves. Time is like a spring river, clear and carefree. I am the helmsman, venturing through the waves!

Walking along the path of time, we sing with joy and share happiness. Looking back on the year, I have no regrets. Hello 2023, here I come!

Essay 2: Hello 2023, a New Beginning

Hello, 2023! I really like how you start. I have fantasized countless times, in dreams and in life... You, the 2023 version of me, how is your life? Are you happy? I have been plagued by these questions countless times. I want to know, the "improvement" spirit that I have fantasized about so much, did I achieve it? I really want to know. With so many questions, how can I find the answers? Countless words, I can't say them all, so I will write you a letter.

2023 me, you probably haven't graduated from middle school yet, right? Actually, when I write you this letter, I have been thinking, will my life be brilliant? You should not forget that I also played a part in it. It's because of me that I laid a good foundation for you when you were in elementary school! At the same time, don't forget, striving, hard work, and carefulness are essential for success. Being a good person doesn't necessarily mean achieving great accomplishments. A simple life can also bring joy, as long as you strive to do your best in everything, that is the joy of life!

You should also be diligent and sunny, life is determined by you, you control the ups and downs of your heart, and the outside world cannot shake a strong and powerful inner self!

As I grow older, I realize that I am no longer a child. I am not the child who always asks for sweets, who is weak and powerless, and cries all day. I have grown up. I cannot rely on my parents for everything. I have to learn to be independent and make my own decisions, be disciplined!

Be true to yourself, don't dwell on troubles, be happy every day and take it one day at a time. The past is like smoke and clouds, a year of joy is just a year, and troubles are temporary. Be more optimistic and persevere. This too shall pass. Believe that everything that has passed will pass, and what is coming will find its way to you, it's just lost for now, it will soon find you. Everything is just a passing scene.

Goodbye 2022 properly! Because we can never go back, it has become history. You must be full of imagination and anticipation for the new year.

Hello, 2023. I hope you can bring me some small luck in the new year.

Essay 3: Hello 2023, A New Start

Unrecoverable time slips away from my hands like sand. The moments and memories of 2022 have become history. 2023 is about to begin, hello 2023!

Now it is January 17, 2023. When I look back, I realize that 2022 has brought me so many things. From elementary school to middle school, I have laughed and cried with my classmates and friends. Although it is now 2023, my heart seems to still linger in 2022, but I am also eager to start the new year.

In 2023, I will seize the time and focus on studying. In the remaining time, I will read more books and do more experiments, just as the saying goes, "Learning proceeds from practice." My math is not very good, so I will put in extra effort to strengthen my foundation and not let it collapse.

I cannot waste time, as Lenin said, "Wasting other people's time is equivalent to robbing them, wasting your own time is slow suicide." I will cherish time, because time is the material that makes up life.

In the year 2023, I will cherish time and review carefully. I will correct my bad habits and strive to become a "perfect" version of myself. In 2023, I will wipe away the tears of 2022, bury the departed soul, light up the dawn of hope, and welcome a new and ideal future.

2023 is like a new start, and I am ready for it!

Essay 4: Hello 2023, Striving Forward

The year 2022 has passed, becoming history, and the year 2023 is about to arrive. As 2022 comes to an end, I have many unfulfilled wishes from that year. These will become regrets of the past year, and these regrets will become wishes for 2023.

Looking back on this year, in the spring of 2022, I didn't know how to swim. During the summer vacation, my mom enrolled me in a swimming class. I remember when I first entered the water, I was afraid to bury my head in the water, fearing that I would drown. After numerous attempts and efforts, I have now learned various swimming techniques and skills. I can play freely in the water, like a fish.

I have tried again and again in the water and achieved skills such as holding my breath, doing handstands, and doing splits, 360-degree rotations, and more.

I remember my mom giving me my English book during the summer vacation. I saw the densely packed letters, and my eyes were tired just looking at them. I didn't recognize them, but I had to learn them. My mom enrolled me in an English class, and I heard my mom and the English teacher talking, saying, "I want my child to learn junior high school English in elementary school." My mind was about to explode, I don't even know the English alphabet yet, and they want me to learn junior high school English. It seemed like an impossible task, but I had no choice but to bravely face it.

Through my efforts, I discovered the beauty of English, and now I have learned how to write sample sentences and memorize them. These sentences are like eagles, shot down one by one by me. I have become immersed in the ocean of English. Now, English and I are true "good friends." Sometimes, I even surprise my mom by saying English sentences without looking at the book. Learning English is such a joyful thing!

In 2022, my wishes have been fulfilled, but there are still many regrets. One regret is my inability to swim backstroke. Although I have learned breaststroke, I still want to learn backstroke. I hope to achieve it in 2023.

I left behind many regrets in 2022. For example, I went to an English class to learn vocabulary. My mom told me, "In this year, you should learn 1080 new words." I was amazed and asked, "1080 words? How many should I learn each day?" My mom calculated and said, "1080 words? It's not much. If you learn three words a day, you can learn over 1000 words in a year. In two years, you can learn 2500 words. So, your mom has set a target that is not difficult. You just need to study hard." After hearing my mom's analysis, I felt confident and said to myself, "I will definitely learn all 1080 words." Until now, I have accumulated over 350 words, and I believe that I will achieve the goal of learning 1080 words in 2023.

2023, I am here, and my wishes will definitely come true.




