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War Cry Challenge_九年级英语 Units 8-14 重点短语和句型总结

2023-12-16 15:44 来源:网络

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War Cry Challenge_九年级英语 Units 8-14 重点短语和句型总结

九年级英语 Units 8-14 重点短语和句型总结

Unit 8


Section A

A toy truck at the picnic caught my attention. The hair band belongs to one of my friends. I attended a concert with the rest of my friends. I picked up something unusual while playing with my toy truck. My next-door neighbor made a lot of noise at first, which made me feel uneasy. I had to go away to think about it. I decided to take a shower and coughed a lot. After that, I felt sleepy and looked like I had been through something.

Section B

I like to run after a woman with a camera. I usually run for exercise and wear a suit to catch a bus. At the same time, Stonehenge is one of Britain’s most famous historical places and receives more than 750,000 visitors. People go there to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year. Ancient leaders used it to communicate and point out a kind of calendar. They believed that the sun shining directly into the center of the stones could prevent illness and be used for a special purpose, such as a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. They also celebrated victories over enemies there over a long period of time. Nowadays, a group of people stop visitors from touching the stones.

Unit 9


Section A

I like to dance to music and sing along with music. Electronic music and smooth music are my favorite genres. If I have spare time, I enjoy listening to music. In that case, I feel like sticking to my favorite songs. Funny dialogs in movies always cheer me up, especially when they have a happy ending. I can learn plenty of information from action movies. When I watch movies, I can shut off my brain and temporarily forget about the world. However, I also enjoy watching scary movies once in a while.

Section B

In total, there are more than two hundred students in our school. I usually take my sister to a concert. Traditional Chinese folk music always gives me a sense of strong sadness and pain. It is considered one of the most moving pieces of music. I often cry along with it. I looked up the history of a folk musician who was born in the city. He taught me to play many musical instruments and developed my musical ability. Unfortunately, he developed a serious illness and became blind. However, he continued to play music to make money and got married. He performed in this way during his lifetime and became one of China's national treasures. His music can touch the hearts of people and he is praised as a great musician.

Unit 10


Section A

We are supposed to shake hands when we meet for the first time. However, if we are friends, we are expected to greet each other with a hug. Each time I feel left out, my friends make our friendship stronger by making me feel like a part of the group. Sometimes, I feel pale as chalk for no reason and cry. On those occasions, my friends call in a doctor to make sure I am okay. My friends are neither patient nor relaxed about time, so they often arrive a little late. But we still enjoy our time together slowly and value it in our everyday lives. Sometimes they drop by my house to make plans to hang out.

Section B

It is impolite to stick your chopsticks into the food, use them to hit an empty bowl, or point at anyone with them. Thanks for teaching me these table manners. When I stayed with my host family in China, they went out of their way to make me feel at home. They taught me how to behave properly at the dinner table, which is different from my own culture. For example, they taught me to cut up food into small pieces and get used to using chopsticks. I had a good school year and behaved properly. On my last day, my host family wished me a safe trip and showed up to say goodbye. They knocked on my door and we hugged each other.

Unit 11


Section A

I have to wait for my friend before we can go out. His constant humming drives me crazy, but we have a lot in common. We are good friends and understand each other. Each time we feel left out, we make an effort to include each other. We avoid heavy traffic and keep each other company. It's no big deal that he wears a suit and tie while I go abroad. We clean off the snow during the winter season and take off our warm clothes. We pack warm clothes when we go to eastern European countries. We have different table manners and I often remind him not to stick his chopsticks into the food or hit an empty bowl with them.

Section B

I stopped eating fast food to lose weight. I found out that fast food is harmful to my health. Instead, I put in more effort to cook healthy meals at home. I made a mess at first, but with practice, I became good at it. I built a small vegetable garden in my backyard and grew my own vegetables. I turned it into a beautiful garden. I cut down on meat and became a vegetarian, which is good for the environment. I take part in environmental protection activities to make a difference. I began with simple actions like saving electricity, turning off the lights, and using public transportation. I pay for the reusable bags to avoid using plastic ones. I hope these actions add up and make a positive impact on the environment.

Unit 12


Section A

I take a shower before I go to bed. By the time my alarm clock goes off, I am already awake. I keep doing my morning routine and wake up feeling refreshed. I put on some clothes and rush out of the door. My neighbor gives me a lift to school, but I am at least five minutes late. The school hallway is always full of students, but I arrive at my classroom on time. I am about to start the school day, but I have to wait in line with my classmates. I stare at the board in disbelief as my teacher jumps out of her seat. I go straight to the airport and miss my plane. I think to myself that I should have waited till the next day to hear about it.

Section B

I love to get dressed in costumes for Halloween. I stay up all night to make the perfect costume. On April Fool's Day, I play pranks on my friends. I do a survey about their reactions. I meet the standards of a strict teacher and score high marks. I play the keyboard in the school band and join the art festival. I make a mess while painting but end up creating a masterpiece. When I travel to a foreign land, I bring many challenges and need to keep my cool. Kind and caring teachers help me overcome fear. Over the last three years, I have had important people in my life who have been there for me. I am thankful to them and look forward to attending the graduation ceremony. It marks the beginning of a new life ahead.

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