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justin bieber怎么了_贾斯汀比伯为什么最后选择了海莉

2024-03-28 15:44 来源:网络

近日justin bieber怎么了?_贾斯汀比伯为什么最后选择了海莉?消息关注度非常高,想要进一步了解这方面的最新消息,小编给大家整理出有关这方面的全部内容,希望能够帮助到大家深入了解!

justin bieber怎么了?

Justin Bieber has openly discussed his past struggles in a new video series on YouTube titled "Justin Bieber: Seasons," which delves into the singer's life, career, music, and marriage to Hailey Baldwin. In this series, Bieber talks about his previous drug addiction issues, including the first time he smoked marijuana.

"I smoked my first joint in my backyard after getting hit with rocks," Bieber says through voiceover. "Then I realized I really liked weed. That's when I started thinking about smoking weed, and then I smoked for a little bit."

Although smoking initially began as a form of entertainment for the singer, it eventually became much more complicated. "Then I started getting really dependent on it, that's when I knew I had to stop," he said in the series. "I didn't feel bad. It was just something I was dependent on."

However, marijuana wasn't the only drug Bieber struggled with. The singer admitted to using ecstasy, mushrooms, and cough syrup to get high as a way of self-medicating to cope with anxiety.

Before taking steps to overcome his addiction, Justin Bieber battled with substance abuse.



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