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2024-05-02 02:52 来源:网络


一、“Under the Weather”与“Out of Sorts”

"Under the weather" 形容身体不适或精神状态不佳:

I was still feeling a bit under the weather.

Catching a cold makes one feel under the weather.

"Out of sorts" 可以用来表示心情不佳或者身体健康状况欠佳:

Arriving home, she felt both tired and out of sorts.

Suddenly, everything seemed out of sorts.


- “心病”指内心的困扰与焦虑,可以用 "concern" 和 "anxiety" 表达。

My anxiety lifted after receiving good news.

Seasonal flu remains a major concern for public health.

- “相思病”特指因爱情引发的身体不适,英文用 "lovesickness" 描述。

No herb can cure lovesickness.


1. 疼痛与不适



Headache: 头痛;棘手问题
- Sore throat: 喉咙痛
- Cervical ache/sore cervical vertebra: 颈椎痛
- Backache/back pain/have a sore back: 背痛
- Bellyache/abdominal pain: 腹痛
- Stomachache: 胃痛
- Leg pain/hurts: 腿痛

2. 眩晕与恶心

- Vertigo: 眩晕
- Dizzy/giddy: 头晕
- Nausea/naupathia: 恶心
- Carsickness/seasickness: 晕车/晕船

3. 感冒及相关症状

- Cold: 感冒
- Nasal obstruction/runny nose: 鼻塞/流鼻涕
- Fever: 发烧

4. 胃肠问题

- Gastrointestinal discomfort/disorder: 肠胃不适/失调
- Diarrhea: 腹泻
- Abdominal distension: 腹胀
- Indigestion: 消化不良
- Hyperacidity: 胃酸过多
- Have a poor appetite: 胃口不好

5. 皮肤病

- Skin disease: 皮肤病
- Skin irritation/inflammation: 皮肤发炎
- Skin itch: 皮肤瘙痒
- Get pimples: 长痘
通过以上词汇和短语,我们就能准确地表达各种身体不适和病症了。比如,“我头疼”,就可以说"I have a headache"。学习这些表达可以帮助我们在日常生活中更好地描述自己的健康状况。关注我们,获取更多的英语知识吧!
