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2024-05-08 02:01 来源:网络




increase (v./n., 增加, 增长) → Increased (adj., 增加了的)

ability (n., 能力, 才能) → able (adj., 能力的)

create (v., 创造, 创建) → creative (adj., 有创造力的)

active (adj., 活跃的, 积极的) → activity (n., 活动)

review (n., 复习) → go over (同义词组)

knowledge (uncountable noun, 知识, 学问) → know (v., 了解, 知道)

wisely (adv., 明智地, 聪明地) → wise (adj., 明智的)



create an interest in (激发某领域的兴趣)

develop study skills (培养学习技巧)

boost reading speed (提升阅读速度)

make mistakes (犯错误) & make mistakes in... (在...方面犯错误)

specifically in grammar (特别是在语法方面)

get...right (纠正, 使...正确)

join an English club (加入英语俱乐部)

be born with (天赋异禀; 生而具有...)

具备做某事的能力: the ability to do sth.

whether or not (无论是否)

depend on (依赖, 依据于)

共有相似点: have...in common

对...感兴趣: be interested in/take an interest in

pay attention to (关注, 注意...)

connect...with (将...与...联系起来)

感到厌烦: get bored

思考...: think about...

擅长...: be good at...

害怕...: be afraid of...

向...学习: learn from...

从错误中吸取教训: learn from one's mistakes

写下: write down

关键词: key words

寻找...: look for...

向某人解释: explain...to...

课上或课后提问: ask questions during or after class

相互提问: ask each other

找出, 查明: find out

感到紧张或有压力: be stressed out

单独地, 独立地: on one's own/by oneself/alone

逐渐地: bit by bit

而不是: instead of

立刻: at once

反复地: over and over again

即使, 尽管: even if

绘制思维导图: draw mind maps



我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。(I don't know how to boost my reading speed.)

我在语法方面常常犯错误。(I often make mistakes in grammar.)

我没有一个可以一起练习英语的伙伴。(I don't have a partner to practice English with.)

每个人都天生拥有学习的能力。(Everyone is born with the innate ability to learn.)

但你能否做得好,这取决于你的学习习惯。(But whether you excel depends on your learning habits.)

他屡次尝试并从错误中汲取教训,最终取得了成功。(He succeeded by repeatedly trying and learning from his mistakes.)

优秀的学习者常将需要掌握的知识与自己感兴趣的点相结合。(Good learners commonly link what they need to learn with something that interests them.)

熟能生巧。(Practice does indeed make perfect.)

他们通过写下关键词或绘制思维导图的方式来记笔记。(They take notes by jotting down keywords or drawing mind maps.)

知识源自疑问。(Knowledge springs forth from inquiry.)

他们不怕犯错误。(They are not averse to making mistakes.)

即便你学得很好,如果不加以运用,也会忘记。(Even if you learn something well, you'll forget it without using it.)

我反复听磁带来练习听力,直到我能理解所有内容为止。(To improve my listening, I listened to the tape repeatedly until I could comprehend every detail.)

每次考试,你会感到紧张吗?(Do you feel stressed out whenever you have a test?)



Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. 上周鸡蛋的价格_____ (increase) 了。

2. 所有的老师都认为彼得在课堂上很_____ (active)。

3. 你能告诉我这个词的_____ (pronounce) 吗?

4. 在这个游戏中,你们每个人需要另外两个人作为你们的_____ (partner)。

5. 不要忘记_____ (review) 你昨天学过的单词。

II. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空不限词数。

1. 萨利的医生让她_____ (注意) 饮食习惯。

2. 我可以帮你_____ (把……和……联系起来) 这个问题吗?

3. 约翰在他的写作中常常_____ (犯错误)。

4. 如何到达那里_____ (取决于) 你住在哪里。

5. 汤姆跟我分享了他在_____ (擅长) 的领域的一些情况。

III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 用这种方式,我提升了我的阅读速度。

In this way, I _____ my ______ ______.

2. 我认为他不具备支付能力。

I don't think he possesses the _____ _____ _____.

3. 王华和她的好朋友有着共同的兴趣爱好。

Wang Hua and her best friend _____ hobbies _____ _____.

4. 他们经过多次试验,最终取得成功。

They _____ _____ _____ the experiment multiple times.

5. 丁俊有一套独特的方法去记忆所学内容。

Ding Jun has special methods to recall what he _____ _____ _____.

6. 熟能生巧。

______ ______ ______.


Ⅰ. 1. increased 2. active 3. pronunciation 4. partners 5. to review

Ⅱ. 1. pay attention to 2. connect; with 3. makes mistakes 4. depends on 5. was good at

Ⅲ. 1. reading speed 2. ability to pay 3. have; in common 4. succeeded by doing 5. what he has learned / learnt

6. Practice makes perfect
