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细解英语动词:cancel, delete 和 erase 的差异及用法

2024-05-08 02:42 来源:网络


细解英语动词:cancel, delete 和 erase 的差异及用法

cancel, deleteerase 在某些情境下含义相似,但实际上每个词都有自己特定的语境和用途。让我们通过下面的小标题来逐一解析:


cancel 表示“取消、撤销或终止”,主要用于指取消先前已经计划或安排好的事务。比如:

- 取消会议 (cancel a meeting)
- 取消婚礼 (cancel the wedding)
- 取消合同或订单 (cancel a contract/an order)
- 最后一班机被取消了 (The final flight was cancelled.)
- 若十日内取消,则不收取费用 (No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.)
- 因资金短缺,项目已取消 (The project has been cancelled due to lack of funds.)

delete 指的是“删除或移除”,通常用于清除文字记录或电子设备上的数据。例如:

- 根据需要删除先生/太太/女士 (Mr / Mrs / Ms (delete as appropriate))
- 编辑删除了文中两段内容 (The editor deleted two paragraphs from the article.)
- 删除报告中无用的部分 (Please delete unnecessary content in the report)
- 他清空了个人电脑的所有文件 (He deleted all the files in his PC)

erase 意味着“抹去、擦除”或者“从存在中消除”,不仅涉及物理层面的信息擦除,也涵盖记忆中的抹去。例如:

- 抹去光盘信息 (erase a disc)
- 忘却一段回忆 (erase a memory)
- 擦掉白板上的字 (erase the words on the whiteboard)
- 他误擦了一个单词 (He had erased the wrong word)
- 短信已被不幸删除 (Unfortunately, she had erased the message)
- 部分录音被抹去 (Parts of the recording have been erased)
- 无法将你从我脑海中抹去 (I can't erase you from my mind)
- "你的名字已从名单上删掉" (Your name has been deleted from the list) —— 指单纯地从列表中移除名字。
- "他的名字被从名单上抹去了" (His name was erased from the list) —— 暗示取消与名字相关的资格、身份或其他含义。
