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苍月浏览器Pale Moon今天正式发布15.1版本

2012-09-18 11:18 来源:cnbeta

  知名火狐修改版浏览器——苍月浏览器Pale Moon今天正式发布15.1版本。


  Pale Moon 15.1下载地址:


  Pale Moon 15.1 x64下载地址:


  Pale Moon 15.1 Portable下载地址:


  Pale Moon 15.1 x64 Portable下载地址:


  Pale Moon 3.6.32下载地址:


  Pale Moon 3.6.32 Portable下载地址:


  Changes in Pale Moon 3.6.32:


  * Fix for a stability problem in the graphics subsystem

  * Improved performance of the graphics subsystem

  Changes in Pale Moon 15.1:


  * Restore Windows XP Professional x64 compatibility in the installer.

  * Fix the mouse wheel smooth scrolling preferences in the preferences dialog box (did not work in v15.0)

  * Prevent memory inflation on some integrated graphics drivers in canvas games

  * Fix for private browsing mode (Firefox 15.0.1 top fix)

  * Fix for Javascript stability issues on 32-bit versions

  Regression fixes:

  * Restore the favicon in the URL bar. (Behavior change: new logic)

  * Fix for top level images with transparency (white background)

  * Remove noise from top level image background

  * Undo the redesign of the Safe Mode dialog box

  * Restore Alt-Click save dialog box

  * Restore proper identity panel for domain-verified sites (blue panel)

  * Restore support for the browser.identity.ssl_domain_display setting

  * Restore address bar autofill preference to its desired default state (no autofill)

  Added features:

  * Add control for a custom top level image background color

  * Implement Direct2D brush caching (performance win)

  * Implement multi-threaded box blur (performance win for multi-core systems)

  * Add a Profile Reset feature (from Help -> Troubleshooting information)

  * Build with a faster floating point method
