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Mozilla Firefox 18桌面版正式发布

2013-01-08 09:05 来源:cnbeta

  Mozilla今天正式发布了Firefox 18桌面版,同时支持Windows, Mac和Linux,现在已经可以通过FTP下载。第18个版本的Firefox全面支持OS X 10.7以上的Retina Display高分辨率显示,支持WebRTC,对引擎的优化带来了更好的图像质量和标签切换速度,同时带来了大量Web标准的支持改进。完整Changelog如下:

Mozilla Firefox 18桌面版正式发布

  NEW: Support for Retina Display on OS X 10.7 and up.

  NEW: Preliminary support for WebRTC.

  CHANGED: Experience better image quality with our new HTML scaling algorithm.

  CHANGED: Performance improvements around tab switching.

  DEVELOPER: CSS3 Flexbox implemented.

  DEVELOPER: Support for new DOM property window.devicePixelRatio.

  DEVELOPER: Support for @supports added.

  DEVELOPER: Improvement in startup time through smart handling of signed extension certificates.

  HTML5: Support for W3C touch events impemented, taking the place of MozTouch events.

  FIXED: Disable insecure content loading on HTTPS pages (62178).

  FIXED: Improved responsiveness for users on proxies (769764).

  下载:ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/18.0/">Mozilla Firefox 18
