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全球最大电驴服务器eDonkeyServer No2的消失与希望

2010-11-23 17:12 来源:emulefans.com

  位于瑞典的电驴服务器eDonkeyServer No2是在比利时的Razorback 2.0服务器和德国DonkeyServer系列服务器之后全球最大的电驴服务器。然而目前已经不能访问。上个月底(10月底),包括eDonkeyServer No2在内的一些大型服务器不明原因就从我们eMule服务器列表中消失了,这情况带给我们骡友不小的震撼与骚动,这问题让跟许多法律压力关闭服务器猜测 及谣言产生了出来,也有一些讨论指出eDonkeyServer No2服务器可能就此永久关闭不再复出……


  这几天在eMule官方论坛帮助支持版区里的关于eDonkeyServer No2失效的讨论贴中,一篇回复给了我们一个可能是希望的消息。


  文章的大概意思是eDonkey Server No2因为虚拟主机提供商的合约问题被迫关闭服务器,目前eDonkeyServer有2~3个月的时间可以转换重新注册和更换新的服务器和网域,否则会 由服务器厂商主动安排到自己指定的服务器和网域……

eDonkey Server是该虚拟主机提供商其中的客户,所以有机会我们会在2~3月内看到eDonkeyServer No2服务器重新服务……


  至少我们目前可以由此消息看出eDonkeyServer No2并不是因为法律问题而关闭服务器,而其他一起消失的服务器也可能刚好也都是在同一个虚拟主机提供商底下而关闭服务,只要服务器合约更换和转移的问题 解决,eDonkeyServer No2应该很快就能重新开始运作,至于其他的大型服务器会不会跟着重新运作就不得而知了……


  我想这消息应该能给骡友们振奋和新的希望,在eDonkeyServer服务器重新开启之前,就让我们耐心等eDonkeyServer No2服务器的重新复出吧。




There are some news about edonkeyserver...it seems that the webhosting provider, that allocates the edonkeyserver had to shut down, not by law-related issues, but because the three webhostings providers, that belonged to a Sweden company, were in finnancial problems...
So, now, Edonkeyserver nº2 has 2 months in order to accept a free domain, from 140 that are being given to all the domains hosted in those webhostings, so, there's a chance we will see edonkeyserver once again...

I'll let you read part of the announcement that was forwarded to me:

"Important information: The registrar agreement between O.&.K Webhotel in Sweden AB and .SE has been terminated

The registrar agreement between O.&.K WEBHOTEL IN SWEDEN AB and .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) has been terminated. It means that all customers of O.&.K WEBHOTEL IN SWEDEN AB with .se domains no longer have an administrator for their domain names. Consequently, the domain names are moved to time .SE’s “last resort” function for a limited time. The customers concerned have to choose a new registrar for administration of their domain names... The customers have up to three months to change to an optional registrar. There are 140 .SE registrars to choose between... Customers that do not choose a registrar within three months will automatically be transferred to and administered by .SE’s own registrar, .SE Direkt... Once the domain names are transferred to .SE Direkt, all contact and administration of the domain names will be managed through .SE Direkt until such time as you choose to switch to another registrar..."

Edonkeyserver was one of the clients they had...so let us hope that we will see better news, in a nearby future...
