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2011-03-07 16:40 来源:经济参考报



Sm all w onder thenthat investors decidedtosell,andG oldm anSachs slashedits price tar-get onthestock,havingrecentlydow ngradedit from ‘buy’ to ‘neutral’.难怪一些投资者昨天决定抛出新浪股票,也难怪高盛(G oldm anSachs)在近期把新浪股票评级从“买入”下调为“中性”后,又大幅调降了自己设定的新浪目标股价。(《金融时报》)

Som e inthem arket clearlylike the stock.C IC C- theC hineseinvestm ent bank -says that Sinais at thebeginningof a“3-5year re-valuation”thanks tothedom inanceofWeibo. T heyhaveloftypricetargetsonthestock:$104in2011,$142over 2years,anditsees the stockbreaching $200w ithin3years.

一些投资者显然对新浪的股票颇为青睐。中国投资银行中金公司(C IC C )表示,考虑到其在微博市场的统领地位,新浪正处在“三年至五年重新评估期”的早期阶段。他们为新浪设定的目标股价高得吓人:2011年为104美元,两年内达到142美元,三年内超过200美元。(《金融时报》)

Its versionof T w itter - SinaW eibo -now has over 100m users,andis still grow -ingfast. Evenbetter - Sina“s listinginN ewY orkm eans everyone canbuya slice of it.

新浪版的T w itter—新浪微博—目前已拥有一亿用户,而且用户数量仍在迅速增长。更妙的是,新浪还是在纽约上市的企业,这意味着每个人都可以购买它的股份。(《金融时报》)

H igher bandw idth costs and Sina‘sinvestm ents inproduct developm ent andm arket-ingfor its m icroblogproduct,SinaW eibo,“w illinevitablyhave anegative im pact onour overallprofitability,”Chief Executive Charles Chaosaidonaconference call.“H ow ever,w e believe thatourinvestm ent andeffort inbuildingam oredom inant social m ediaplatform...w ill generatem uchhigher returns over the longer term .”


Chief Executive Charles Chao said,Sina willreno-vate its online portaland integrate current business linesm ore closely with Sina W eibo.

