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战狼2北美票房排行榜 战狼2美国票房是多少【附国外影评】

2017-08-11 11:26 来源:网络














  而这样的一部现象级电影,自然也引起歪果小伙伴们的关注↓↓↓美国权威影视杂志《综艺》(Variety) 就表示,《战狼2》(Wolf Warrior 2) 的票房简直轰动全球啊!


  “中国电影票房:《战狼2》登顶全球票房,首映票房便达1.27亿美元”而在外国各大影评网站上,《战狼2》的评分也表现不俗↓↓↓在北美知名影评网站烂番茄 (Rotten Tomatoes) 上,有91%的观众为这部电影点赞!

《战狼2》火到国外抢外媒头条,然而BBC的这个影评太酸溜溜了吧头条,然而BBC的这个影评太酸溜溜了吧" style="width: 700px; height: 81px;"/>





  Went to watch the movie yesterday as I heard it was a big hit in China. I am not the biggest fan of Chinese movies, but this one really impressed me. I have watched Wolf Warrior which I would consider as a good movie, but II is way much better. It is the first Chinese movie that is built on the context of African country and actually shot in South Africa, bearing the risk of suffering the disturbance on the set. The way the plot unfolds and the courage and patriotism is delivered to its audience makes it more than a simple action movie. Love this movie and will go for it a second time.“我听说《战狼2》在中国爆火,于是昨天就去看了这部电影。本人并不是个中国电影死忠粉,但这部片子真的令我印象深刻。我先前看过《战狼》,是部好电影,但第二部简直要好太多了。这是首部以非洲国家为背景的中国电影。整个剧组实际上冒着在片场遭遇动荡的风险在南非进行拍摄。情节的展开方式,以及片中体现出的勇气和爱国情怀都传递给了观众,让这部电影不仅仅是一部简单的动作片。超爱这部电影,决定二刷!”这位澳大利亚网友打出了8星的分数:超赞的动作片,让人想起了上世纪90年代的成龙经典电影~


  The film's biggest draw, of course, is Chinese action-superstar Wu Jing. As a leading man, Wu Jing is kind of a perfect package. He has the pretty-boy looks to draw the female crowd but also a natural, convincing tough-guy persona. As a trained martial artist he has the physicality of Donnie Yen and the on screen charisma of Jet Li. Most importantly, Jing plays the kind of action hero that's just all too rare these days, the one that takes just as much punishment as he dishes it. Yet he sells it with the kind of world-class commitment that is simply awe-inspiring, like Jackie Chan or Tom Cruise who repeatedly endanger themselves simply to entertain their audience. It's all rather impressive until you realize he also directed the movie.“这部电影最大的吸引力当然就在于中国动作巨星吴京。作为主演,吴京的一切堪称完美。他有着让女性观众移不开眼的英俊外貌,但也有着浑然天成、令人信服的硬汉气质。作为一名受过系统训练的武术家,他有着甄子丹的体格,以及李连杰的银幕魅力。最重要的是,吴京所饰演的动作英雄如今看来实在太少见了,他承受了太多的攻击,但却以世界级的(工作)投入处之,令人钦佩。他就像成龙和阿汤哥那样,无数次置自己于险境,只是为了满足观众。当你意识到吴京还是这部电影的导演时,这部电影实在不能更惊艳了。”




  Been waiting for a real action film for a while.“坐等一部真正的动作片已经有一阵儿了。”

  I was impressed. Its' very rare that a sequel surpasses the original, but Wolf Warriors 2 does exactly that.“(这部片)令我印象相当深刻,续集超过了原作这点很少见,但《战狼2》的确做到了。”

  The action was just non stop. I felt like I was watching numerous set pieces one after another. It was incredibly ambitious and it definitely paid off.“片中的动作戏一刻也没停过,我感觉自己看了无数场动作戏,一个接着一个。这部电影满是雄心壮志也绝对有所成效。”


  I was pleasantly surprised by China's respectful portrayal of Africans. A diverse cast was used and judging from box office results, the Chinese are quite tolerant of diversity. That is something I can't say about my western country, which also loudly lectures China on its supposed "xenophobia".“我很高兴看到中国对于非洲民众充满敬意的演绎。剧组的选角十分多元,而票房结果也证实了中国人对多元化相当包容。这点是我的西方国家无法做到的,甚至还对中国所谓的‘仇外’大声说教。”


  Wu Jing headlines the film. He cut his teeth in numerous kung fu flicks. He's right up there with Jet Li and Donnie Yen. He's rugged, charismatic, insanely skilled, and has the tough guy look down.“吴京在片中饰演主角,他曾在众多的功夫电影中小试牛刀。现在他几乎与李连杰和甄子丹齐名。他粗犷英俊、充满魅力、功夫过硬,以铁骨铮铮的硬汉形象震慑众人。”


  Astonishingly, he also directed this film. I read somewhere that he even mortgaged his home to make this film. Gotta respect that commitment! There are some some minor things that would have benefited from more polish, but they're minor. The small flaws here and there don't detract from an overall great experience.“而令人惊讶的是,他还执导了这部电影。我曾在哪儿看到过,为了做这部电影,他甚至还抵押了自己的房产。对如此投入身怀敬意!有一些小的细节更加精雕细琢点会更好,不过那些都是小事。片中的一些小瑕疵无伤大雅,总体来说依然是场很棒的体验。”


  It'll be interesting to see where Wu Jing takes the franchise from here, but it's definitely in good hands.“见证吴京究竟会将这一电影系列带往何处将会很有意思,但肯定会有不错的发展。”不光歪果仁网友看的很起劲,各路外媒也纷纷展开围观,写下了影评↓↓↓美国娱乐界知名报刊《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter) 就贡献了一发影评:


  Wu Jing again stakes his claim as the natural heir to Jackie Chan with the sequel to his 2015 action movie that was a hit in his native China. Starring, directed and co-written by Jing, Wolf Warrior 2 is even bigger and bolder than its predecessor, which doesn’t always work in its favor. But genre fans will definitely relish the near-constant barrage of elaborate set pieces that are choreographed and filmed for maximum impact.2015年上映的吴京动作电影就曾在中国大获成功,如今,吴京再次以这部电影的续集,确定了自己是成龙真正的继承人的地位。《战狼2》是一部由吴京自编自导自演的作品,比前作更宏大更大胆,这么做并不一定总是奏效。但喜欢这一类型的影迷们绝对会享受片中持续不断的精细动作戏的轰炸。这些戏都经过精心设计,为追求最大的冲击力所拍摄。


  The breathless pacing thankfully doesn’t allow much time for viewers to ponder the plot holes or worry about character development, although the two-hour running time (more than 30 minutes longer than the original pic) results in overkill fatigue. As with Jackie Chan’s efforts, the outtakes during the end credits indicate that the film must have been a lot of fun to make, at least when the performers weren’t getting hurt. And in case fans were worried, a post-credits sequence sets up the inevitable sequel, which, they won’t be surprised to learn, will be entitled Wolf Warrior 3.尽管两小时的电影时长(比前作还多了30分钟)容易让人感到疲劳,但庆幸的是,片中紧凑的节奏并没有留给观众过多的时间去细细思考情节中的漏洞或是担心角色发展。就像成龙努力做到的那样,影片结尾彩蛋中的花絮体现出了电影拍摄过程中的诸多乐趣,至少在演员们没受伤的时候是如此。为了不让影迷们担心,影片结尾的彩蛋还透露了续作信息。在影迷们意料之内的是,续作将被称为《战狼3》。“反学院派”电影网站 (Film School Rejects)则表示,吴京和弗兰克·格里罗的对决简直不能更精彩呀!


  “《战狼2》影评:吴京vs. 弗兰克·格里罗,有谁会不爱呢?”We open strong with a tanker under siege by pirates, and as they disable the ship’s propellers Leng Feng simply dives into the ocean, capsizes a pirate skiff, and proceeds to beat up its occupants underwater without coming up once for air.影片一开场,我们就被一群海盗包围油轮的戏所震撼。海盗破坏了船的螺旋桨,而冷锋(吴京饰)则直接跃入海洋,弄翻了一艘海盗的帆船,并在水下一口气击败海盗。


  It’s no spoiler to say that Wu and Grillo eventually meet man to man, but the surprise comes in how much better the fight is than the one between Wu and Adkins was. This is a brutal, well-choreographed brawl that ends the film on a high note.吴京和格里罗最终相遇了,这不算什么剧透。但令人惊喜的是,两人的打斗戏比前作中吴京和阿金斯的打戏要好太多了。这是一场经过精心设计的残酷打斗,以高潮结束整部影片。






  BBC把“犯我中华者,虽远必诛”这句超燃的台词,翻译成了这样↑↑↑That is the tagline for Wolf Warriors 2, the Chinese box office hit that is equal parts testosterone-fuelled machismo - think blazing guns, explosions, and tanks - and chest-thumping Chinese patriotism.这是燃爆荷尔蒙的中国票房热门大片《战狼2》的口号 —— 令人想起了激烈的枪战、爆炸、坦克以及虚张声势的中式爱国主义。相信大家都已经注意到了,BBC的篇报道的标题使用了nationalist(民族主义)一词。据环球网报道,在西方的话语体系中,在“民族主义”的标签并不是什么褒奖,往往被用来指摘一个民族盲目自大的非理性情绪。而那句燃爆了的台词“犯我中华者,虽远必诛”的英文翻译,将offend和kill搭配起来使用,让意思也变了味道。更不用说文中还出现了chest-thumping(虚张声势的)这样具有明显倾向性的词……于是,BBC的这篇报道立刻就引来了《环球时报》(Global Times) 的回怼↓↓↓


  “BBC戴着西方有色眼镜来看《战狼2》”The Chinese film, Wolf Warriors II, which grossed over 2.5 billion yuan ($372 million) in less than 10 days, has become a phenomenon. In the film, a Chinese soldier ventures alone into a war zone in Africa to save his trapped compatriots. It inspired its audience enormously, so much so that many viewers said on social media that they would want to join the army.中国电影《战狼2》在上映不到10天的时间里便拿下了25亿人民币的票房(约3.72亿美元),成为了一部现象级电影。在影片中,一位中国士兵独身闯入非洲战区,拯救他被困的同胞。这部电影深深鼓舞了观众,不少观众都在社交媒体上表示自己想要光荣参军。

  However, not all who saw the Hollywood-style movie enjoyed it. While US superheroes who save the planet from time to time are taken for granted, the Chinese action film caught the BBC's attention, calling it a "nationalist action film." Furthermore, the BBC highlighted a tagline of the blockbuster and translated it this way: "Anyone who offends China will be killed no matter how far the target is."然而,并非所有人都喜欢这部好莱坞风格的电影。美国超级英雄不时地拯救世界被认为是理所当然,而这部中国动作片引起了BBC的注意,并称其为“民族主义动作片。”而且,BBC还强调了这部大片的宣传语,将其翻译成了这样:“胆敢冒犯中国的人都会被杀掉,不论这个目标有多远。”

  How bad-tempered China appears to be in this sentence. It seems that anyone who deals with China can never be too cautious because they would be killed. China is made to look like an irritable and brutal killer.从这个句子看来,我们国家的脾气相当暴躁。任何和中国打交道的人似乎都得一再小心谨慎,因为一不小心他们很有可能就被杀掉。中国在BBC笔下就像一个急躁残忍的凶手。

  However, the original Chinese words actually mean that anyone who attacks China will be punished, however far the target is. The misinterpretation of one word draws a totally different picture of China and Chinese people.然而,这句中文原意是,侵犯中国的任何人都会受到惩罚,不论身在何处。英文中的一词之差展现的是完全不同的中国和中国人民的形象。在歪果仁看来,《战狼2》这部电影最吸引他们的,或许是激烈的打斗场景和刺激的情节。很多外国朋友或许并不能理解电影中的那股爱国情怀。但影片最后一幕,便足以让无数中国人动容。



关键字: 战狼 票房
