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2010-06-17 15:07

  Serv-U 是目前众多的FTP 服务器软件之一.通过使用Serv-U,用户能够将任何一台PC 设置成一个FTP 服务器, 这样,用户或其他使用者就能够使用ftp 协议,通过在同一网络上的任何一台PC与FTP 服务器连接,进行文件或目录的复制,移动,创建,和删除等.这里提到的FTP 协议是专门被用来规定计算机之间进行文件传输的标准和规则,正是因为有了象FTP 这样的专门协议,才使得人们能够通过不同类型的计算机,使用不同类型的操作系统,对不同类型的文件进行相互传递.




Changes in Serv-U released June 14, 2010:
    * Added the ability to save favorite directory shortcuts in the Web Client.
    * Updated German and Russian Management Console strings.
    * Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8n to 0.9.8o.
    * Rebuilt zlib (compression) library with Developer Studio 2010.
    * Rebuilt Serv-U with Developer Studio 2010.
    * Added Spanish translations to FTP Voyager JV.
    * windows 2000 (all editions) is no longer supported. Microsoft has discontinued support for this operating systems and no longer provides DLLs and libraries to developers that are compatible on this operating systems.
    * Added icons for .vcxproj extensions to the Web Client.

Bug Fixes:
    * Corrected an sftp bug where speed improvements introduced in Serv-U caused some clients' uploads to be corrupted.
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "New Folder" dialog needed to be resized, in order to show all Controls, on Linux operating systems.
    * Corrected a bug in the Management Console where the filter group box, on the group tabs, was mis-aligned for Russian and Japanese translations.
    * Corrected a bug in the Swedish and Spanish translations where quotes in strings were not being escaped for use in Javascript functions.

    * Removed duplicate text from the Serv-U User's Manual, in the "Serv-U Editions" section.
    * Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the overwrite dialog would be shown instead of an error dialog during a transfer where the connection TIMed out during a list operation of the target file.
